National Elementary Honor Society
Breitling Elementary School National Elementary Honor Society
Frank Breitling Elementary School established a chapter of the National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS) to recognize our most outstanding students. The school was notified in November of 2013 that our application to begin this prestigious recognition program was approved by the national office. We then began the process of selecting members. To be eligible for membership, candidates must:
- Be in the 4th grade
- Be enrolled in the school for a minimum of one semester
- Meet or exceed the national minimum standard for scholarship which is a scholastic grade point average of 3.7 for a period of one and a half years beginning in third grade.
The NEHS national guidelines emphasize four criteria for membership: Scholarship, Responsibility, Service, and Leadership. The first two are essential for selecting new members; the second two guide the development of chapter activities once membership has been established.
Breitling Elementary School will be designated as a “Charter Chapter of NEHS” joining elementary schools around the nation in establishing a program to promote excellence in academic achievement and involvement in leadership and service for the nation’s youngest students. More than an honor roll, NEHS engages its members in service activities and leadership development that help strengthen the programs for all students at the school and improve life in the community. The decision to bring NEHS to this campus is an indication of a commitment to acknowledging the hard work of high achieving and well-rounded students. It also signals support for the core values of the Honor Society – values that we believe will enhance the life of every member and the entire school.
Contact: Wendy Webster